Michel Portal - Men's Land

Jazz / Contemporary / Fusion
New Vinyl
LP / 10 EUR / Sales


Some human beings and particularly some artists just cannot be fitted in any classification or definition. About Michel Portal, clarinetist and saxophonist (but also bandonion player), classical inter

In the field of chamber music, he thus plays with the pianists Georges Pludermacher, Maria Joao Pires, Michel Dalberto, Mikhail Rudy,…, the cellists Frédéric Lodéon, Boris Pergamenschikow,…, the viola players Gérard Caussé, Youri Bashmet, the quatuors Melos, Talich, Orlando….As a final touch for this higly complex musician, we should not forget to emphasize the importance of the movie composer : Michel Portal has been actually for already a long time writing music for the cinema and the television ; among this huge activity, we should particularly mention his faithfulness to the film director and jazz critic Jean-Louis Comolli (La Cecilia, 1975 ; L’ombre rouge, 1981 ; Balles perdues, 1983) ; last but not least, we should also remind the three César prizes awarded for Le Retour de Martin Guerre (Daniel Vigne, 1981), Les Cavaliers de l’Orage (Gérard Vergez, 1983) and Champ d’Honneur (Jean-Pierre Denis, 1986).pret and jazzman (but also composer), Francis Marmande outlined in 1981 the portrait of a ” permanent exile who feels constantly pending ” ; almost a way to deny any fixed but illusive close definition of his identity.
