Brasil / Latin / Exotica
New Vinyl
LP / 12.50 EUR / Sales

Part of a long list that we, Groovie Records, will put out in next few months to come, this one is a super killer! Soul, funk, with psychedelic fuzz guitars and organ drive. Including compositions by Tim Maia, Robson Jorge or Getulio Cortes (Gerson King Combo brother). With Raul Seixas production, the record opens with “Vou Procurar Meu Lugar” a dinamite killer soul funk and goes latin groove with “Patati, Patatá” or lisergic on tracks like “Trifocal”. Originaly released on CBS in 1971 gonna see the light again. For the first time reissued on vinyl. No fillers, just KILLERS!!!

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