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There is a cynic buried deep within most of us. While the majority of the dance music community become jaded and lay down their tools, or start leaping on various commercial bandwagons, some decide to stop bitching and use their cynicism to positive ends and do things their own way. Cynic Records are a collective of like-minded producers and musicians that decided to create an outlet for their music where they don't have to conform, and where they can freely express themselves. Here Cynicism presents the best of the releases on the label, with some extra material chucked in for good measure. What more could you ask for? Get seduced by the dubby downtempo beats of 'All Is Fair' by Foolish & Sly. Catch the addictive percussive groove in The Fanglers prime debut 'New Galaxy'. Dive into the Germanic synth-laden classics 'Deutcherwerkbund Part Two' and 'Wiesnhofsiedlung' by Das Etwas, and zone out to more killer hypnotic anthems by Foolish & Sly.
All Is Fair
New Galaxy
You Can Come And Get It
The First Day
Deutscherwerkbund Part 2
Another Friend
Go Ahead
I Saw The LIght