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Falling In Love / Happy (Love Mix)
Be With Records (BEWITH024TWELVE)
Release date: Sep 1, 2024, UK
Be With Records' latest reissue takes us back to the mid 1980s and the wonderfully loved-up world of Surface, a trio founded in the boogie era went on to notch up a string of hot '80s soul hits. The record boasts two of the American outfit's finest moments. On the A-side you'll find 1983 debut single 'Falling In Love', a near perfect fusion of sweet, loved-up vocals, metronomic synth bass and breezy melodic motifs that has long been considered a classic (and with good reason). Arguably more exciting for the heads is the flipside 'Love Mix' of 'Happy', a sparse, stripped-back and 'reconstructed' Loose Ends style slow jam from 1987 with added dub-wise intent and echoing drum machine percussion.
Falling In Love
Happy (Love Mix)